James Gunn daje nam podpowiedź na temat tego, co zobaczymy w jego nadchodzącym filmie The Suicide Squad!
Chociaż Suicide Squad Davida Ayera był finansowym sukcesem, powiedzieć, że przez krytyków został przyjęty dość chłodno, to jak powiedzieć nic. Teraz jednak za sterami marki stanął James Gunn, odpowiedzialny za scenariusz i reżyserię następnego filmu o Legionie Samobójców. Nadal jednak nikt nie potwierdził informacji, czy projekt Gunna to sequel do filmu Ayera, reboot, czy może coś zupełnie innego.
Jednak Gunn postanowił dać fanom wskazówkę na temat tego, czego mogą oczekiwać po jego filmie. Reżyser obiecuje spektakularne sekwencje akcji, „eksplozje” i „padające budynki”, wzorowane na samym Clincie Eastwoodzie:
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Clint Eastwood has been one of my heroes for a long time. His films, both as a director and actor, are an enormous influence. Unforgiven is a cinematic lynchpin for me, a movie that blew my mind the first time I saw it and has continued to do so every one of the 25 or so times I’ve seen it since – but his influence as a director goes all the way back to his debut with Play Misty for Me. That’s not even to mention his work as an actor with Sergio Leone and Don Siegel, two other directors I adore, and his work in gems like In the Line of Fire, Magnum Force, and Where Eagles Dare. Hell – I even, somewhat embarrassingly, know all the words to all the songs in Paint Your Wagon. So when The Suicide Squad producer Peter Safran and I got the opportunity to hang out with Clint on the set of his new film, The Ballad of Richard Jewell, I was nervous. After all, they say never meet your heroes. But in person, Clint was kind and easy to talk to. And we got to talk a lot – about his directing style, his new movie, the movies he’s made previously, and more. Clint has a Buddha-like serenity in the middle of the madness of filmmaking, and I got to watch him take charge of an enormous set with a quiet authority – soft words that ripple giant waves. He showed his crew the kindness, loyalty and respect they deserved (and they love him for it in return.) In short, he was just the kind of guy I’d hope he’d be (also, the movie looks amazing and Paul Walter Hauser – @pwhauser – as Richard Jewell is killing it.) So as far as the whole “don’t meet your heroes” thing goes, my experience is 8 out of 10 times you SHOULD. Thanks for inviting us into your home, Clint! I’ll try and take a little bit of that serenity as I walk into the explosions and falling structures of The Suicide Squad.
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